Energy Valuation Conference

EVC is a pre-eminent conference in which industry experts present "Valuation Impacts & Adjustments in the Transition to Renewables"
EVC is a pre-eminent conference in which industry experts present "Valuation Impacts & Adjustments in the Transition to Renewables"

Join ASA's Premier ENERGY VALUATION Event!  ASA Houston's 15th Annual Award-Winning 2025 ENERGY VALUATION CONFERENCE will be held on Thursday May 15, 2025 with In Person attendees at THE BRIAR CLUB, 2603 Timmons Lane, Houston, Texas 77027 or Virtually via convenient LIVE WEBCAST.

The ASA ENERGY VALUATION CONFERENCE (EVC) is unique in that it is the only MULTI DISCIPLINARY conference with a focus on leading edge VALUATION TECHNIQUES applicable to ALL SECTORS of the ENERGY INDUSTRY.

2025 EVC brings together pre-eminent energy valuation professionals and industry thought leaders presenting timely educational valuation topics, with a focus on valuation impacts in the transition of power generation from fossil fuel to non-carbon, renewables, sustainable energy, and IRS tax & governance issues.

Mike Collier, CPA, Partner, Transaction Advisory Services


"Trends in Energy Deal Flow and Energy Transition":  Mike serves multinational oil and gas companies and international investment firms on buy-side and sell-side due diligence, deal structuring and M&A advisory assignments relating to acquisitions and divestitures.  

Frederico Dordoni, EVC, PE, Division Manager 

DeGolyer & MacNaughton

SPEE PANEL:  "Insights into the SPEE Parameters Survey": Ferderico is an expert on estimation of reserves and resources based on requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission and Petroleum Resources Management System.  He leads evaluations, conducts seminars and courses on the estimation, classification, and categorization of resources.  Federico is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE) serving on the Board.

Tad Fielder, Principal Engineer, Certified Petroleum Engineer

Haas & Cobb 

SPEE PANEL:  "Insights into the SPEE Parameters Survey": Tad is a licensed petroleum engineer with 25 years experience in the upstream O&G industry.  His expertise includes fair market value estimation, estimation of reserves and resources, acquisition and divestiture support, complex reservoir evaluation, and field development optimization.  Tad is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE) serving as 2024 SPEE Vice President on the Board.

Greg Bean, Director, Gutierrez Energy Management Institute

University of Houston

"Repurposing Fossil Fuel Assets in a Zero-Carbon World". Greg will discus alternative uses for refinery plants, LNG plants, coal and gas-fired power plants, oil terminals and petrochemical plants with a focus on assessing a plant's end of economic life and terminal value.  Greg has over thirty years of global oil and gas management consulting experience in the upstream, downstream, midstream and oil field service sectors, and served international and independent oil companies leading capital investment projects and organization-restructuring efforts.

Robert Auers, Manager, Refined Fuels, RBN Energy Refined Fuel Analytics 

RBN Energy, LLC

"Downstream - What's Ahead for Refined Products":  Robert is RBN-RFA's primary refinery modeler and refined fuels market analyst with expertise in engineering and valuation, market analysis and forecasting, and consulting and advisory services across natural gas, crude oil, condensate, refinery, NGL and renewables markets.

Jeff Stemple ASA.MTS, President, Financial Advisory Service Practice 

StempleCrites, LLC

MTS PANEL:  "What a Natural Disaster leaves behind:  A look at Energy Assets in terms of property insurance, litigation, claims and VALUATIONS":  Jeff and his group provide fixed asset valuations in support of client needs for M&A, strategic planning, financial and tax compliance, litigation support, and risk management.

Mark Crites ASA.MTS, President, Insurance Valuation Services Practice 

StempleCrites, LLC

MTS PANEL:  "What a Natural Disaster leaves behind:  A look at Energy Assets in terms of property insurance, litigation, claims and VALUATIONS":  Mark and his group provide fixed asset valuations in support of client needs for M&A, strategic planning, financial and tax compliance, litigation support, and risk management.

Jesse Thompson, Senior Business Economist

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Houston Branch

"The Oil Patch and Economic Outlook":  Jesse will share his view of the energy markets, economy, and the Federal Reserve system.  In particular, he studies issues affecting hydrocarbon industries, authors the monthly Energy Indicator and contributes to the publication Southwest Economy.

Join as a Sponsor Today!

EXCEPTIONAL OUTREACH: Your Logo included in emails to 6,000 professionals.


  • EVC Online Brochure.
  • Sponsor Power Point Slide Show that scrolls between speakers.
  • EVC Website.


Who Should Attend?

Up to 200 professionals & executives from 16 US states and 7 countries - as far and diverse as Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Germany and Canada joined 2024 EVC to gain a better understanding of current developments and geopolitical conditions of the industry. Attendees interacted and engaged with the leaders to discuss solutions to complex challenges faced by investors, appraisers, and clients during these volatile and challenging economic times.

The ASA Houston ENERGY VALUATION CONFERENCE is widely attended by accountants; appraisers accredited in business valuation, machinery & technical specialties, real property, and appraisal review; financial analysts, investment managers, economists; petroleum engineers, industry executives as well as expert witnesses of various valuation and forensic specialties.

What will attendees learn?

Course Description:  This broad-ranging conference facilitates opportunities to interact with key players from various segments of the value chain: downstream, midstream, upstream, and emerging trends in the growing renewables sector. EVC is unique in that it is the only multi-disciplinary conference with a focus on valuation techniques in all sectors of the energy industry. Networking and cross-referral opportunities abound when appraisers, accountants, investment professionals and industry leaders interact.

Why Attend?

Do You Have Clients in the Energy Industry?

  • "I will say that it was just as top-notch as it gets. The content was superb and the smooth tech operations really made it one of the best virtual events I've attended yet. Your speakers and sessions were, truly, spectacular."

Learn About the Outlook of the Energy Industry in the Transition to Non-Carbon and Renewables.

  • "I thoroughly enjoyed the virtual conference - found it to be very informative and right on point given our current social and economic environment. The speakers were excellent and I look forward to attending next year's conference - virtual or in-person."

Best Networking & Forum to Make Connections.

  • "Outstanding reception where industry & appraisers could mingle, network and talk about future business. Energy Valuations are big money, and if I can gain one new appraisal, it will more than pay for my trip." International EVC Sponsor

Speakers are an Excellent & Well-Rounded Mix.

  • "I liked the way the speakers expressed divergent opinions vs the previous speakers, and were bold enough to make predictions." EVC Sponsor
  • Featured speakers were remarkable leaders from all sectors of the energy industry demonstrating a variety of perspectives in all disciplines: Business Valuation, Machinery & Technical Specialties, Appraisal Review & Management, Real Property, among other."
  • "Great program!  Getting Karl Bartholomew and the high-powered Commissioner Craddick was a real coup.  The diversity of your speakers topically was very impressive.  Looking forward to the next one."

What makes energy valuation so important to appraisers?

This dynamic and cyclical industry affects all cities around the world. Even if your client isn't an energy company, energy can still play a vital role in its performance, cost structure and profitability.

What will attendees take away?

Learning Objectives: A better understanding of the current economic and geopolitical conditions of the industry, and learn perspectives on the challenges in energy valuations as the industry turns toward renewables, and how this impacts each sector. EVC is a very holistic and well-rounded conference that attendees enjoy and learn from - not just appraisers. Our goal is to expand our outreach to include those in related professional groups and industry associates.

Featured speakers represent all sectors of the energy industry offering new perspectives on business valuations, machinery & technical specialties appraisals, accounting developments, appraisal review & management, mineral appraisals, real property, financial analysis, and more. Learn how this dynamic and cyclical industry affects businesses world-wide and how it plays a vital role in the performance, cost structure and profitability of your clients. Attendees will gain a better understanding of the current economic and geopolitical conditions of the industry, and learn perspectives on challenges in energy valuations, including which sectors are rebounding.

Sponsor Chair:

Vice Chair:

Event Chair:

Laurie Leigh White

Carol Akers Klug

Tim Stulhreyer


Thursday May 15, 2025.

Hybrid Format:

2025 EVC registrants may attend either IN PERSON ONLY at THE BRIAR CLUB, 2603 Timmons Lane, Houston, Texas 77027 or ONLINE ONLY by LIVE WEBCAST from 8 am CDT to 6 pm CDT on May 15, 2025.  "In person" attendees will not receive online viewing.  If you inadvertently signed up for "online" but intended to attend "in person" please let us know as soon as possible. (EVC pays The Briar Club by the headcount as measured by the plate, and we must confirm attendance headcount in advance.)

  • IN PERSON attendees may network at our 7 am CDT Breakfast Bar, Fajita Lunch Buffet and Texas Appetizers & Cocktail Social from 6 pm CDT to 7 pm CDT.  Park FREE on the 3rd floor of the garage across the street from The Briar Club, walk across the SkyBridge to enter on the conference level.

IN PERSON ONLY and ONLINE ONLY tickets may be purchased below on the EVC webpage.

Education Credits: Up to 8 Hours CPE / CE

The American Society of Appraisers is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.  CPE credits approved by NASBA will be provided for both Group-Live "In Person" and for Group Internet Based "Online" CPE delivery.  State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.  For more information on eligibility by state, please consult NASBA's website or your state board of accountancy. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:


ASA Member - 8 CPE/CE hours
Non-Members - 8 CPE/CE hours

Early Bird Rates thru March 31

Regular Rates from April 1


  • Refund Policy: Non-refundable after March 31.  Before March 31 - refundable less $20 transaction fee.  (See policy below) 
  • Substitution of registrants and/or change in format (from "IN PERSON ONLY" to "ONLINE ONLY" or vice versa) is allowed through March 31 by emailing [email protected] to make the change.  Please attend EITHER "in person only" OR "online only" to facilitate registration.  [EVC must confirm in person attendance in advance, as EVC pays The Briar Club by the plate].  "In Person" attendees will NOT receive a link to attend online.
  • Last day to register is two days before the conference.  
  • Program Knowledge Level is Intermediate, Advanced, Overview and Fundamental.  
  • Technical fields of study may include accounting, artificial intelligence, digital transformation, legal & tax issues, data analysis, ESG, forensic accounting, fraud, economics, finance, management services, measurement/recognition/presentation of specific financial statement items - valuation services, impairment analysis, specialized knowledge, statistics, taxes, among other.  Content is developed by Subject Matter Experts.
  • No prerequisites or advanced preparation are required.
  • Instructional Delivery Method: Group Live "In Person"; Group Internet Based "Online".
  • Course Update Policy:  Revision date is the date of the event.
  • A portion of net proceeds will be donated to 501(c)3 entities.
  • For the safety of our community, we will adhere to all COVID-19 protocols. 

Tim Stuhlreyer ASA CPA/ABV

[email protected]

A woman in pink jacket and pearls standing next to green wall.

Carol Akers Klug ASA MBA
ASA International Secretary / Treasurer 2024/2025

Appraiser of the Year - 2021

The Appraisal Foundation - Business Valuation Resource Panel

[email protected]

Laurie Leigh White ASA CEIV IA CPA


Appraiser of the Year - 2022

BV Discipline Secretary/Treasurer

Board of Examiners

2021-2022 Advanced BV Conference Chair

[email protected]

Alan B. Harp Jr. ASA CFA
[email protected]

Michael Morgan ASA ARM/BV CPA/ABV
CPA Liaison

Diversity & Inclusion Task Force

TxCPA Houston Board Member
[email protected]

Ray T. Garcia ASA PE
[email protected]

[email protected]

A man in a suit and tie smiling for the camera.

Atiba Henry ASA
[email protected]

A group of people sitting at a table with wine glasses.

EVC Chairs with ASA's CEO

Atiba Henry, Michael Morgan, ASA CEO Johnnie White, Carol Akers Klug, Laurie Leigh White, Alan Harp


Karl Bartholomew PE, ASA, MRICS
[email protected]

A man in suit and tie smiling for the camera.

Mike Hill FASA, CPA, ABV
[email protected]

A group of people sitting at tables in front of laptops.